“South Korea” is another country that is experiencing a population decline. In 2024, the population was around 51 million, decreasing for the 5th consecutive year. Although the number of births has increased to 242,334, the number of new births is still not enough to replace the population that has decreased from deaths, which is 360,757. ????
Set a bounty on mosquitoes
The most effective way to deal with all sorts of problems is to focus on community participation with full willingness! And to make the villagers especially enthusiastic and interested, there must be a secret weapon called “goodwill” to help drive forward happily and smoothly!! ????????????
Ukraine is just a small pawn.
The United States and Russia are the Kings, the most important characters in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The King can move one square at a time in any direction: up, down, left, right, and diagonal. Germany is the Queen, France is the Ship, Poland is the Bishop, and the United Kingdom is the Knight. ?????
Waste money from sweat
They say they are not anxious about trivial matters, but they are clearly anxious, starting with the ministers, Mr. Pipat Ratchakitprakarn, the Minister of Labor, who spoke firmly and insisted that the Social Security Office (SSO) executives’ overseas study trips did not use the budget extravagantly. ????? ???????
Noodles with chili paste
The book "Aksorn Sapnichai" (Sathaporn Books, printed in 2024) by Professor Prachaya Panket intentionally chose "Khanom Jeen Nam Phrik" as the first story. All of the professor's stories are especially knowledgeable and profound. I often wait for the joke at the end. ????????????